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OK... so that's probably the worse choice of play-on words to kick-off this blog; but who doesn't need a perverbial ear cleaning every once in a while– especially in the area of college programming.  Since a handful of us at Quick Artist were once college students, planning out concerts and lectures (just like you), we thought it would be helpful to pass on our collective wisdom and shed light on our worse mistakes (never book Vanilla Ice... even as a joke) so you can learn, grow, and improve what's going on at your campus.

Also, now that we've worked with colleges from coast to coast in booking concerts, we've seen that some schools do things much better than others.  In the spirit of collegiate learning, we'd like to showcase, highlight and funnel any great ideas implemented by other schools right to the door step of your computer screen. 

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    Excellent Web page, Maintain the beneficial work. With thanks.

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