
  • Chosen to record latest album with legendary producers Ed and Scott Cash 
  • Shared the stage with Sidewalk Prophets, Audrey Assad, Love and the Outcome, and Hyland



While music has always been part of Mike Lee’s life, he didn’t truly understand its power until he encountered Jesus. It’s that moment when the songwriter’s life was forever transformed, when music became much more than just lyrics, chords, and choruses.  

Mike grew up in a musical family, but it wasn’t until faith in Jesus became his life’s focus that he started writing. At the age of 14, Mike found his dad’s old guitar and began scribbling down songs for the sole purpose of responding to the Lord. Those quiet moments of contemplation, time spent in the Word and connecting with God through song, are what inevitably led to Mike leading worship at church and youth gatherings.

 Mike realized about a year into his tenure that no matter where he was in life, songwriting and worship leading were always going to play an integral role. It wasn’t a hobby, a job title, or even an exciting career move. It was a calling—a calling the Fort Wayne, Indiana native took seriously. 

In addition to leading at his local church, Liquid Church in Fort Wayne, Mike also began traveling regionally with his band. Fueled by the desire for believers to “not only see God, but respond to His call,” Mike also began teaching and ministering the Word. 

But when Mike and his wife Michelle became pregnant with their son, Preston, Mike realized that he might have to give up on the idea of traveling and leading worship. Their traveling slowed for a while, and Mike happily settled in with his local church, and that was that. Or so he thought. 

God clearly had other plans. It was Michelle who kickstarted the conversation in more ways than one. With a heart to expand their ministry, Michelle reached out to legendary Nashville-based producers Scott and Ed Cash (Chris Tomlin, Kari Jobe, David Crowder). They invited Mike to record an album in their studio, and the ensuing two years of collaboration between Mike and the Cash brothers worked to expand Mike’s vision for what the Lord had in mind for the mission-minded songwriter.  Further confirmation of God’s plans arrived in a way that still blows Mike away. After launching a Kickstarter campaign for the songs Mike was recording, they ended up exceeding their original goal by nearly $7,000. 

            “It’s funny when you see the Lord take over and do something you couldn’t have done on your own,” Mike shares. “I’m incredibly honored and humbled to be stewarding this project, which was a total gift from the Lord.”

Instead of the original plan of recording three songs, Mike was able to record five for his EP, Awakening Hearts. Many of the songs were “birthed out of weighty conversations about salvation, grace, and a law of faith rather than a law of works—all while standing on the truth of God.” Committed—and compelled—to sharing the truth through song, the album’s prevailing theme centers on Ephesians 1:13-14: “In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory.”




I have worked with Mike for the last 3 years and watched him weekly lead our group in worship. Never have I witnessed someone who leads with such an incredible combination of musical talent and deep personal intimacy with the Lord. He is a 10 out of 10 in any environment where he is called to lead other worshipers into the presence of God.

- Brad Bullock, Pathway Community Church Fort Wayne


Mike Lee has the personality and gifting that sets him apart as a catalyst for experiential worship. His ability, combined with his charismatic persona, provides everyone with an invitation to the throne room of Jesus.

- Clinton Faupel, Remedy Live


Mike Lee is a brilliant songwriter and a passionate worship leader, rich in the ability to facilitate an atmosphere of engaging the presence of God.

- Thomas Foster, Liquid Church Fort Wayne


Mike has an exceptional ability to take you somewhere special with his music. Whether it's his fervent vocal, a carefully crafted lyric, a or heartfelt melody, one cannot help but be moved.

- Lynn Graber, The Recording House


Mike Lee is a passionate worship leader with a heart for ministry. His love of God is evident from first note to last.

- Julie Cusick, Bethel UMC Fort Wayne


Mike writes contagious worship music that feels instantly familiar but fresh and new at the same time .

- Byron VonGunten, Pathway Community Church


Mike Lee and his band have  the spiritual  aptitude to truly engage and lead people into the presence of God. 

- John Ferguson, Trinity South Bend

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